Referee Program

Fairhope Soccer Club has had great success with our young referee program. We educate and train High School aged soccer players to referee our youth soccer league games.  

Potential referees MUST must be in 9th grade, have referee &/or soccer experience, have reliable transportation, cell phone for group communications, stopwatch, black shorts & sneakers.

FSC will provide referee shirt, in-house training, review of rules as well as on-field supervision/shadowing with our referee coordinator. 

ALL potential referees MUST attend the MANDATORY referee meeting in order to be assigned games during the season.

MANDATORY REFEREE MEETING-Sunday, Feb. 23rd @ 4pm in Fairhope Soccer Complex Conference Room

Games are on Saturdays/Tuesday/Thursday.  Times vary.  Each referee is usually assigned to 2 or 3 games back to back with a 15 minute break.  

We will use TeamSnap for communication regarding upcoming season information, communication & game assignments.